Ãœber Conf 2010 and Apache Wicket Talks
Andrew has just accepted speaking at the first Ãœber Conf 2010 being held in Denver, Colorado. A quick description of the conference:
Ãœber Conf 2010 will offer over 100 technically focused sessions on Java the Platform including hands on workshops centered around Architecture, Cloud, Security, Enterprise Java, Languages on the JVM, Build/Test, Mobility and Agility. The goal of Ãœber Conf is a simple one: totally blow the minds of our attendees.
From the guys that brought you No Fluff Just Stuff this is an even deeper dive into the technology we all know and love. Andrew will be presenting <a href="http://uberconf.com/conference/denver/2010/06/speakers/andrew_lombardi" target="_blank'>2 main sessions on Apache Wicket from beginner to advanced talks. And the nice thing is, the sessions are 90 minutes which allows us to delve a lot deeper than a 50 minute cursory talk as is usual with most conferences. Both have their place, and we enjoy giving both kinds, but for this to be the Ãœber, I guess they had to go one step above :). In addition we'll be doing a half day hands on talk where we'll get a lot deeper involved and build something together.
Come visit and learn about how to build your Apache Wicket application from the very basic to the interactive and advanced ... and be given enough time for the information to sink in. We're excited to be providing these talks and hope to see you all in June!