Focus on Mobile - HTML5 and iOS Development
Recently I gave several talks in Europe at Scandev on Tour in Stockholm and Java2Days in Sofia. Each time I've given a talk, I'm not only teaching up there, but learning from the crowd. It's an immense and enjoyable experience, and a great passion to impart information and knowledge to those who attend my talks. So, thank you, I am deeply appreciative and immensely grateful for everyone who has attended my sessions.
It has just been released that Adobe is no longer going to be developing Flash for mobile devices. This further solidifies what I discussed in my HTML5 talk in Sofia. Mobile has decided that HTML5 shall be the next frontier for interactive development.
And here's some of the stuff we talked about:
Using Javascript to Build Native iOS Applications - Given in Stockholm and Sofia
An in depth look at Apache Wicket - One of my favorites as I have a deep abiding love for Apache Wicket
And last but not least, I promised the source code to the iOS app written in Titanium. Here's one of the latest revisions which covers using it with the Scandev speaker data, but can be modified to support really any of the conference websites.